The Village of Waterford, Virginia
   A National Historic Landmark

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Summary from the June 10, 1999 Village Meeting on the Waterford Bury the Wires and Tame The Traffic Tea-21 Initiative

In the grant, provisions were made for historically appropriate streetlights. We have brought an original Waterford streetlight for your review and would like your input as to type and placement of street lamps.
Consensus: The residents were in favor of historically appropriate streetlights.
The Chair of the task force has found an example of an old Waterford street light. The Village has concerns as to placement and safety.
Village Chairperson: Robert Thompson, 882-4104

Trees (see next section for consensus items)
In the grant, provisions were made for protection and maintenance of street side landscape and street trees. You should know that VDOT has already made copies of the Waterford tree survey and is very aware of the need to keep the trees intact.
Village Chairperson: Kitty Rose , 882-3696

In the grant, provisions were made for historically appropriate sidewalks/paths. We would like your input as to the type and placement of sidewalks/paths.
Village Chairperson/s: Skip Couser, 882-4459, Beth Erickson, 882-4758
Items of Significance with regard to both Trees and Sidewalks/Paths:

  • A vote was taken to ascertain if anyone wanted the entire Village to have paved concrete sidewalks. The result of the vote was, 40+ people opposed, 2 in favor.
  • During the discussion, it was determined that the residents do not want wide scale sidewalk expansion; however, they do want to make sure that safety concerns are addressed.
  • The residents are concerned with speeding as it relates to safety. The residents were happy to learn that VDOT is in the process of printing the $200 fine for exceeding the speed limit signs that were approved by the Board of Supervisors in March of 1999.

Consensus for Both Trees and Sidewalks/Paths:

  • Residents were in favor of keeping things as they are in the Village to the greatest extent possible; however, the residents are concerned about safety.
  • The residents and the Waterford Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) are concerned about the safety of the children in the Village. The PTO would like to see a path from the school into the Village (possibly through the Foundation’s Water Street Meadow). The residents are also concerned about safety within the Village itself.

Road Surface/Drainage/Traffic Taming
In the grant, provisions were made for burying the wires and taming the traffic. This provision impacts the road surface, drainage, and traffic taming.
Village Chairperson/s: Tom Edmonds, 882-4471, John White, 882-4090
Item of Significance:
The residents would like the Village character to remain as it is today.
Consensus – Road Surface/Traffic Taming:
The residents would like some type of traffic taming device to slow traffic. The Road Surface/Traffic Taming Committee would like to work with VDOT to develop solutions.
Consensus – Drainage:
The residents would like the drainage problems in the Village corrected.

In the grant, provisions were made for burying the wires (which would include: Virginia Power, Bell Atlantic, and Cable). When the wires are buried, the poles will be eliminated; however, transformers will need to be installed.
Village Chairperson: Dave Godfrey, 882-3280
Consensus: The residents would like the transformers buried if possible. In addition, they are also interested in learning about the size and placement of transformers.

Homeowner Costs
In the grant, provisions were included which would allow for the cost of residential hook-up to be defrayed by the grant. When the wires are buried, there will be fees involved in connecting to the new service. Attached please find a document, which may answer some of your concerns.
Village Chairperson: Ed Good, 882-3592
Item of Significance: The residents appreciated learning about the many different aspects of this project. Concern was expressed with regard to cost.

Final Comment from the Village Meeting held on June 10, 1999
“The Village of Waterford is supportive of burying the wires and taming the traffic. We want the village to look much like it does today. We’d like to keep our sidewalks as they exist today, we’d like our trees to exist as they do today and we’d like the drainage problems to be corrected. We’d like to see historically correct streetlights in the village and we’d like to see traffic tamed.”

Our motto is: “Less is more.”



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traffic, bury wires, traffic calming, roads, esthetics, burying overhead wires, automobile spped reduction, waterford, va, virginia, waterford va, historic towns, loudoun county, civil war towns, villages, village, national historic landmark


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